District | Kanchipuram |
Zone | Kanchipuram |
Trust | Chinna Kanchipuram |
Census Details | 339 |
Beneficiary | 316 |

Village Service Project of WCSC
District | Kanchipuram |
Zone | Kanchipuram |
Trust | Karumpakkam |
Census Details | 821 |
Beneficiary | 370 |
People’s Feedback |
I am 60 years old. I began attending the course at the insistence of my daughter-in-law who has been undergoing training for some time now. I used to suffer from diabetes and blood pressure. But Manavalakkalai Yoga has helped me overcome my problems. While meditation has provided peace of mind, introspection practices have made me aware of life and the fact problems within the family can be solved through suitable efforts. I am content and happy now.
G. Padmavathy
People’s Feedback |
I used to suffer from breathlessness, at times, for which I was taking medicines. Breathing exercises under Manavalakkalai Yoga has cured my problems. I have also been cured of frequent bouts of cold and headache. Meditation practices have relieved me of mental stress. Kaya Kalpa has rejuvenated me and increased my immunity to diseases
B. Tripurasundari
Sponsor Name |
District | Erode |
Zone | Erode |
Trust | Erode |
Census Details | 251 |
Beneficiary | 213 |
People’s Feedback |
I look on Manavalakkalai Yoga as a gift from the Divine. Yogasanas, which I was practicing earlier, were difficult, for which reason I was hesitant about joining Manavalakkalai classes. I came as a visitor, but found myself impressed by the simple nature of the course. The practices have provided me with the same benefits as Yogasanas, but without strain to my body or mind. I, who used to suffer from gas and pain along my back and hips, have been fully cured, and am very healthy now.
R. Palanisamy
People’s Feedback |
I am 35 years old and used to work as a demonstrator in a college. Acute pain in my hips and heels made me resign the job and seek medical assistance. I came down with peptic ulcers as a side-effect of the medicines, which also did nothing to cure me. I was unhappy and it was only Divine benevolence that made me take up Manavalakkalai Yoga practices. I began to feel the difference within 10 days and am now relieved of the pain in my hips and heels. I have also been cured of ulcers. Manavalakkalai Yoga has provided me with a fresh lease on life.
K. Thirumalaisamy
Sponsor Name |
District | Nagapattinam |
Zone | Kumbakonam |
Trust | Tiruthuraipoondi |
Census Details | 396 |
Beneficiary | 327 |
People’s Feedback |
I am 66 years old and was suffering from pain in my left shoulder, on account of an injury, which medicines were unable to cure. I also suffered from acute pain in my left knee and it prevented me from mounting the stairs or walking for long. I have been under medication since long. But Manavalakkalai Yoga has cured me of all my problems.
A. K. Singaravel
People’s Feedback |
My blood-sugar level was 293 before commencement of the practices. I used to weigh 63 kilos and also suffered from headache. The practices have rejuvenated me and my blood-sugar is under control. I now weigh only 58 kilos and have also been cured of pain in my arms and legs.
Sponsor Name |
District | Tuticorin |
Zone | Tirunelveli |
Trust | Nellai City |
Census Details | 600 |
Beneficiary | 534 |
People’s Feedback |
I used to suffer from pain in my shoulders, legs and arms, on account of chicken guniya I had suffered 10 years back. I practice Manavalakkalai Yoga regularly and it has produced noticeable changes in me. I am physically healthy now.
S. Kamala Bai
People’s Feedback |
I am 60 years old and the practices have cured me of pain in my arms, legs and spine. I can now sit on the floor, cross-legged, without discomfort. I am cured of constipation and I find the benefits of the practices to be of immense value. I look on the practices as a gift handed down to me.
V. Jayalakshmi
Sponsor Name |