District | Perambalur |
Zone | Trichy |
Trust | Ariyalur |
Census Details | 500 |
Beneficiary | 301 |

Village Service Project of WCSC
District | Salem |
Zone | Salem |
Trust | Seelanayakkanpatti |
Census Details | 340 |
Beneficiary | 306 |
People’s Feedback |
I am 52 years old. Pressure of work and financial problems had ruined peace of my mind and left me totally confused. I was unable to sleep at nights and it affected my physical and mental health adversely. But Manavalakkalai Yoga has produced changes and I, now at the end of 3 months of regular practice, am healthy and at peace.
S. Chellamuthu
People’s Feedback |
I suffered from thyroid problems and my husband was a diabetic for which we were taking medicines regularly. The medicines, despite their cost, were of no avail. But Manavalakkalai Yoga has reduced the seriousness of our ailments, on account of which the dosage as well as the costs involved have reduced. We have begun to understand the concept of the soul and the knowledge keeps us happy.
T. Vijaya
Sponsor Name |
District | Erode |
Zone | Erode |
Trust | Pallipalayam |
Census Details | 476 |
Beneficiary | 290 |
People’s Feedback |
I could not speak properly because the muscles of my face and mouth were pulled to one side on account of an attack of herpes I suffered a year back. I also used to suffer from acute pain and partial deafness because of the swelling of nerves in my ears. Medicines proved to be of no avail and I was advised to go in for surgery, despite the fact the doctors were not sure regarding the outcome of the operation. But regular practice of Manavalakkalai Yoga has relieved the pain to a very great extent and my hearing has also been restored to about 60% of the normal. I am able to speak well and am confident about complete recovery with the help of the practices.
T. Pankajam
People’s Feedback |
I am 26 years old and used to suffer from acute pain in my legs even though the doctors said I was in good health and free of ailments. My problems began to subside within a few days of commencement of physical exercise and meditation. Instances of difference of opinion with my husband have also come down and we are happy and lead an active life.
P. Deepa
Sponsor Name |
District | Erode |
Zone | Erode |
Trust | Erode |
Census Details | 491 |
Beneficiary | 309 |
People’s Feedback |
It was usual for my father, who was addicted to liquor, to beat up mother and quarrel with us. It ruined the peace in our family. I, along with my mother, decided to attend Manavalakkalai Yoga classes, where we were made aware of the ill-effects of drinking as well as its resultant problems in a family. Hearing this my father broke down and wept and promised to keep off liquor in the future. He has been freed from the evil habit with the help of Manavalakkalai masters and doctors, and we are happy and at peace now.
A. Karpagam
People’s Feedback |
I suffered from migraine and was very thin, physically. I used to fight frequently with my mother-in-law. But the practices have helped us understand each other and we have stopped fighting. I have also been cured of migraine and increased my weight to normal levels. We are physically and mentally healthy and at peace.
Sponsor Name |
District | Perambalur |
Zone | Trichy |
Trust | Perambalur |
Census Details | 392 |
Beneficiary | 382 |
People’s Feedback |
My blood-sugar levels have come down and my eyesight has also improved through the practice of Manavalakkalai Yoga. I have been cured of back pain and constipation, and am able to attend to my work efficiently. I am also able to ward off unnecessary bouts of anger.
P. Govindasamy
People’s Feedback |
I used to suffer from mental stress, frequent bouts of anger, fatigue and diabetes, which, together, made life appear devoid of a purpose. But Manavalakkalai Yoga has produced many changes and I, now, am able to lead an active life. I have begun to realise the purpose of my life. Kaya Kalpa has improved my memory. My body and mind are active and I am now able to ward off anger.
R. Mathuram
Sponsor Name |