In the VSP project, group counselling and personal counselling is provided by a professional counselorsfor their personal or family issues. Counselling sessions on behavioural changes and emotional handling are held in the villages to bring about necessary changes in the life style of the villagers. This is not just counselling. It is more of apsycho therapy.

The guidance provider gives an outside perspective be it the problem of husband and wife separation, adamant son or daughter, mother in law – daughter in law duels, conflict among brothers, stress / depression / agony due to death, divorce, drug / alcohol addiction, problematic children, etc. The right guidance and counselling helps the villagers face realities, overcome obstacles and find a way for worthwhile future by bringing in the desired behavioural changes.

People of all ages struggle within tough social, economic and political conditions. In many cases, a person`s skills, experience and ambitions don’t match his or her own prospects. Good guidance and counselling can help people face complicated and challenging realities. However, guidance and counselling do not come handy for all people, and particularly for rural people, counselling from a professional cannot be afforded. In olden days, the elders of the family offer guidance to their wards but the greatest irony is that such experienced people are not available now in villages also. The villagers need counselling to understand their emotions, clear their doubts and conflicts. They need someone to share their experiences and feelings.