District | Tirupur |
Zone | Tirupur |
Trust | Palladam |
Census Details | 1784 |
Beneficiary | 1147 |
Kethanoor Village, Pongalur Panchayat Union, Tirupur District |

Village Service Project of WCSC
District | Kanchipuram |
Zone | Chennai Sub Urban |
Trust | Selai |
Census Details | 1380 |
Beneficiary | 1110 |
Selai Panchayat, Thiruvallur Panchayat Union, Thiruvallur District |
G. Bharathi Govarthan, President.
People’s Feedback |
Manavalakkalai practices, under the guidance of the World Community Service Center,taught to people of our village for the past one year, from March 2012, have relieved the participants of pain and stiffness in their hands, legs and shoulders. It has brought peace into their lives. I find great pleasure in practicing them. Thank you. Vazhga Valamudan.
S. Kavitha, Selai Village.
Sponsor Name |
District | Kanchipuram |
Zone | Kanchipuram |
Trust | Nayakkanpettai |
Census Details | 1674 |
Beneficiary | 1539 |
Panchayat President’s Address Nayakkanpatti Panchayat, Walajapet Panchayat Union, Kanchipuram District |
A. Kumaravel, President.
People’s Feedback |
I am Devaki working as a teacher in a school. I have found peace through the practice of Manavalakkalai Yoga. I find students listen to my words with proper attention. I teach them the practices, which they learn and practice well.
V. Devaki, Teacher, Nayakkanpatti.
Sponsor Name |
District | Vellore |
Zone | Thiruvannamalai |
Trust | Pallitheru |
Census Details | 862 |
Beneficiary | 795 |
Panchayat President’s Address Kailasagiri Panchayat, Peranampattu Panchayat Union, Vellore District |
T. Natarajan, President
People’s Feedback |
Village Service project, implemented in our village, has provided us with good health besides helping us find family peace. The practices have helped unite me with my husband; my two daughters are also in good health. I am happy our divine Guru has blessed me in every way.
D. Sangeetha, Pallitheru
Sponsor Name |
District | Villupuram |
Zone | Villupuram |
Census Details | 1520 |
Beneficiary | 1388 |
Panchayat President’s Address Nallanpillaipetral Village, Nenji Panchayat Union, Vizhupuram |
R.Ranjith Kumar, President.
People’s Feedback |
I, L. Kausalya, studying in the 11th standard, started practicing Manavalakkalai Yoga from the time I was in the 10 standard. The practices provided me with mental peace, good health and improve my memory. It has also enabled me to relate with the others in a patient and calm manner. I, who secured 461 marks out of 500, was ranked the first at school. I like Shanti Yoga, which helps relieve pain in my head.
L.Kausalya, Nallanpillaipetral Village.
Sponsor Name |