District | Salem |
Zone | Salem |
Trust | Athur |
Census Details | 369 |
Beneficiary | 300 |

Village Service Project of WCSC
By volunteer
District | Salem |
Zone | Salem |
Trust | Athur |
Census Details | 369 |
Beneficiary | 300 |
People’s Feedback |
My mind remained restless prior to commencement of Manavalakkalai Yoga practices. But regular practice of meditation has cured the problem and helped me find peace. I, who for the past 10 years could not sit in Sukhasana, now am able to do it, through practice of simplified physical exercises. The pain and cramps in my hips have been overcome with the help of Makarasana. I have freed myself from undue attachments after my visit to Aliyar.
S. Kanaka
People’s Feedback |
I used to suffer from diabetes, blood pressure and acute pain in my legs for the past 5 years. Medicines were unable to help or cure my problems. Simplified physical exercises, meditation, Kaya Kalpa and introspection practices have helped me overcome my problems. My blood-sugar levels have come down to 120 and my blood pressure is in the range of 110/70. I am relieved of the pain in my legs and am able to walk comfortably.
V. Lakshmi
Sponsor Name |
Empowering the Village Transforming the Nation
Small Help can Make Changes New Hope For Near future