District | Chennai |
Zone | Chennai Zone |
Trust | Adampakkam Lakeview |
Census Details | 400 |
Beneficiary | 326 |

Village Service Project of WCSC
By volunteer
District | Chennai |
Zone | Chennai Zone |
Trust | Adampakkam Lakeview |
Census Details | 400 |
Beneficiary | 326 |
People’s Feedback |
I have remained childless all through the 11 years of my marriage. I also used to suffer from menstrual problems. I began attending Manavalakkalai Yoga classes purely at the insistence of the masters, but commenced doing physical exercises and Kaya Kalpa, meticulously, every day. I have been cured of menstrual problems and my weight has also decreased. I feel active and rejuvenated. I hope I will be able to beget a child shortly with the blessings of God and our divine Guru.
A. Semmeena
People’s Feedback |
I used to suffer from piles, which regular practice of Kaya Kalpa has cured. My sister, who had problems with her monthly menstrual cycles, has also been cured through the practice of Manavalakkalai Yoga. My husband was addicted to liquor and I used to bless him repeatedly, at the end of every meditation, in order he may be freed of the evil habit. He has now stopped drinking and commenced to perform Manavalakkalai Yoga, every day. I am physically and mentally healthy and am confident about my ability to handle problems that may come my way. I am at peace.
M. Amutha
Sponsor Name |
Empowering the Village Transforming the Nation
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