District | Salem |
Zone | Salem |
Trust | Mecheri |
Census Details | 512 |
Beneficiary | 405 |

Village Service Project of WCSC
District | Salem |
Zone | Salem |
Trust | Mecheri |
Census Details | 512 |
Beneficiary | 405 |
People’s Feedback |
I, who used to be under medication for high blood pressure, have reduced my intake of medicines and am in good health now. I find that blessing by repeating the words Vazhga Valamudan helps me overcome problems in life. Regular practice of meditation has provided peace of mind.
S. V. Rathinam (Retd. Head Master)
People’s Feedback |
I, who used to work for 12 hours every day, did not think it essential to undertake Manavalakkalai Yoga prior to attending one of the Medical Camps. But having realised the importance and true worth of the practices, I do them regularly and it has helped me reduce my weight from 79 kilograms to 75, within a short time.
K. Ranganathan
Sponsor Name |
Empowering the Village Transforming the Nation
Small Help can Make Changes New Hope For Near future