District | Tirupur |
Zone | Tirupur |
Trust | Avinasi |
Census Details | 530 |
Beneficiary | 294 |

Village Service Project of WCSC
By volunteer
District | Tirupur |
Zone | Tirupur |
Trust | Avinasi |
Census Details | 530 |
Beneficiary | 294 |
People’s Feedback |
I am 53 years old; I suffered a stroke which left me incapable of using my arm and paralysed along one side of my body, which prevented me from walking. Physical exercises have cured me. I used to drink and smoke, both of which I have given up after attending the classes. I do the exercises regularly and am healthy. People who conducted the program took good care of my father with the result that within 18 days he regained use of his limbs and was able to walk. The practices have infused a new life into our life and family.
Velusamy & Saranya (daughter) .
People’s Feedback |
I used to suffer intense pain on account of a swelling in my uterus. Doctors had advised me to undergo surgery at the earliest. I began attending Manavalakkalai Yoga classes on the advice of my neighbours. Medical examination, at the end of 3 months, has revealed that the swelling has come down considerably, which was a surprise to me. My faith having been kindled, I continued practicing physical exercises and Kaya Kalpa. I find myself going through changes for the better, on account of Yoga practices.
Sponsor Name |
Empowering the Village Transforming the Nation
Small Help can Make Changes New Hope For Near future