District | Kanchipuram |
Zone | Kanchipuram |
Trust | Kalpakkam |
Census Details | 697 |
Beneficiary | 681 |

Village Service Project of WCSC
By volunteer
District | Kanchipuram |
Zone | Kanchipuram |
Trust | Kalpakkam |
Census Details | 697 |
Beneficiary | 681 |
People’s Feedback |
I could not use my legs properly and had been unable to walk from the time I was born. I used to attend school with the help of my friends. Manavalakkalai masters, who were aware of my condition, took the trouble to teach me the practices at my house. They also instilled courage and confidence in me, with the help of Maharishi’s words. I, at the end of 4 months of regular practice, am able to take care of my needs, without help from the others. I am confident I shall recover fully with the help of the practices.
k. Pavithra
People’s Feedback |
I was addicted to liquor and the use of arecanuts, which made me lazy and indolent. I was unable to attend to my duties in a proper manner; but Manavalakkalai Yoga has produced changes whereby I am free of the evil habits and able to attend to my work with care. My father used to come home drunk and beat us, which troubled my mother greatly. He has also recovered after taking up Manavalakkalai Yoga and we are able to live happily. I study and practice Yoga at school also.
Venkatesh & Divya (Daughter)
Sponsor Name |
Empowering the Village Transforming the Nation
Small Help can Make Changes New Hope For Near future