District | Kanchipuram |
Zone | Kanchipuram |
Trust | Thirukkazhukkundram |
Census Details | 460 |
Beneficiary | 402 |

Village Service Project of WCSC
By volunteer
District | Kanchipuram |
Zone | Kanchipuram |
Trust | Thirukkazhukkundram |
Census Details | 460 |
Beneficiary | 402 |
People’s Feedback |
I suffered from deteriorating health and acute pain along my spine. Doctors informed that even implanting a rod in my spine, surgically, would not help me stand up or walk. I had been going through this for the last 3 years and used to drink regularly to overcome the pain. I joined Manavalakkalai Yoga classes in our village and to my great relief have been cured of the pain. I no longer drink because my consciousness will not permit me. I am free of the evil habit and lead a normal life.
People’s Feedback |
I am 17 years old and used to suffer from wheezing problems even from a very young age. I could not withstand bright lights and everything appeared hazy to my eyes. Treatments were of no avail; but Manavalakkalai Yoga, particularly Kaya Kalpa, has relieved me of my problems. I am able to do well in my studies also. I have stopped taking medicines and have not consulted a doctor during the last 10 months. I express my heartfelt gratitude to the World Community Service Center and Vethathiri Maharishi.
A. Lokeswar
Sponsor Name |
Empowering the Village Transforming the Nation
Small Help can Make Changes New Hope For Near future