District | Nagapattinam |
Zone | Kumbakonam |
Trust | Thiruthuraipoondi |
Census Details | 312 |
Beneficiary | 240 |

Village Service Project of WCSC
By volunteer
District | Nagapattinam |
Zone | Kumbakonam |
Trust | Thiruthuraipoondi |
Census Details | 312 |
Beneficiary | 240 |
People’s Feedback |
I could not stand or walk properly on account of a fracture I had suffered in my leg earlier. I also was not fortunate enough to beget children. Manavalakkalai Yoga has provided me with peace and Kaya Kalpa practice has rejuvenated me, physically and mentally. I now am blessed with a child. The practices have brought many changes in my life.
People’s Feedback |
I am a retired teacher. I was prone to bouts of anger. I had got my 2 sons married off even while I was in service. But my anger, unfortunately, created a rift between me and my sons. They used to go away often. Manavalakkalai Yoga has helped me control my anger and I have also come to realise the ill effects of the vile temperament on me and my family. Nowadays I rarely lose my temper and am able to live happily with my daughters- in-law. Thank you. Vazhga Valamudan.
Sponsor Name |
Empowering the Village Transforming the Nation
Small Help can Make Changes New Hope For Near future