District | Theni |
Zone | Dindigul |
Trust | Andipatti |
Census Details | 505 |
Beneficiary | 302 |

Inaugural Function :16.03.2014

Concluding Function : 17.09.2014
Panchayat President’s Address Theni District |
People from our village practice physical exercises regularly on account of which they remain free of ailments and lead healthy lives. The practices have benefited the elders to a very greatextent. Meditationpractices have helped the people live inpeaceandtranquility. Salutations to mother, father and guru, offered at the commencement of every meditation, have made the children aware of the need to respect their parents and teachers. Besides improving physical, mental and spiritual health, the practices have transformed our village into a haven of peace and good health.
R. Kannan, President.
People’s Feedback |

I belong to Jakkampatti village and am a weaver by profession. I used to suffer fromnpiles and insomnia. I took part in the Manavalakkalai Yoga classes and have been practicing physical exercises and meditation for the last 4 months. The practices have provided relief from my problems. I offer my sincere and humble thanks to Vethathiri Maharishi, the sage behind the system.
Kandasamy, Jakkampatti, Thiruvalluvar Colony.
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