District | Nilagiri |
Zone | Coimbatore |
Trust | Ooty |
Sub Center | Kavilorai | Census Details | 500 |
Beneficiary | 290 |

Inaugural Function : 09.03.2014

Concluding Function : 07.02.2015
Village Service Project of WCSC
By volunteer
District | Nilagiri |
Zone | Coimbatore |
Trust | Ooty |
Sub Center | Kavilorai | Census Details | 500 |
Beneficiary | 290 |
Panchayat President’s Address Kadanadu Panchayat, Nilagiri District |
R. Sivakumar, President.
People’s Feedback |
People from Kavilorai village had to face a lot of problems before the advent of Manavalakkalai Yoga under the Village Service Project of the world Community Service Center. Cases of diabetes and acute pain in the arms, legs and joints, were common. Manavalakkalai practices have relieved the problems to a very great extent besides eradicating petty quarrels and misunderstandings from the midst of the people, who have begun to live in love, happiness and harmony with one another. Thank you.
K.H. Ramesh, Kavilorai.
Sponsor Name |
Empowering the Village Transforming the Nation
Small Help can Make Changes New Hope For Near future