District | Tirupur |
Zone | Tirupur |
Trust | Avinasi |
Census Details | 530 |
Beneficiary | 294 |

Village Service Project of WCSC
District | Kanchipuram |
Zone | Chennai Sub Urban |
Trust | Porur Sakthi Nagar |
Census Details | 492 |
Beneficiary | 485 |
People’s Feedback |
I used to have doubts regarding the need for Yoga practices as I was healthy. Even though I was reluctant, I attended the course in keeping with the advice of my sister. Analysis of Thoughts, which was discussed during the first session, made me aware of thoughts, their qualities and strength. Shanti Yoga enabled me to sleep well during the nights. At the end of the course I realised I had improved greatly with regard to my work and family affairs, besides acquiring the skills to deal with problems efficiently.
A. Sarathkumar
People’s Feedback |
I was under the impression that Yoga practices were difficult and beyond me. I was informed that Manavalakkalai Yoga consisted of simple practices which anyone, irrespective of age, could perform. I, who suffered from menstrual and thyroid problems, began to attend the classes and found to my relief that the practices improved my health to a very great extent. Thank you. Vazhga Valamudan.
E. Mounika
Sponsor Name |
District | Perambalur |
Zone | Trichy |
Trust | Perambalur |
Census Details | 416 |
Beneficiary | 304 |
People’s Feedback |
I am 65 years old and have been suffering from diabetes and blood pressure for the past 10 years. I was forced to take plenty of costly medicines; but regular practice of Manavalakkalai Yoga has reduced my blood-sugar levels and blood pressure. I am totally healthy and wish to continue the practices for the rest of my life. Thank you. Vazhga Valamudan.
P. Chinnammal
People’s Feedback |
I am 64 years old. Manavalakkalai Yoga has cured of pain in my arms, legs and joints, completely. The practices, especially physical exercises and meditation, has produced a sense of physical and mental wellbeing and peace. Thank you. Vazhga Valamudan.
M. Rugmani
Sponsor Name |
District | Coimbatore |
Zone | Coimbatore |
Trust | Periyanaikanpalayam |
Census Details | 222 |
Beneficiary | 118 |
People’s Feedback |
People from our village are primarily goat and cattle herds on account of which we often suffer from pain in the hands, legs, neck and waist. I had a problem climbing hills but practice of Manavalakkalai Yoga has relieved me of pain and discomfort. My eyesight has also improved considerably. Thank you. Vazhga Valamudan.
People’s Feedback |
I, was studying for Plus One but was not interested in going to school or attending classes. I used to fare poorly in the examinations. It led to discontent, the company of bad friends and lack of peace. But Manavalakkalai Yoga has made me realise the error of my ways. I began to attend school regularly and it has improved my performance in the exams. I have understood my ‘inner self’ and am able to live in peace with all. Vazhga Vaiyakam. Vazhga Valamudan.
V. Vasantha Kumar
Sponsor Name |
District | Karaikal |
Zone | Kumbakonam |
Trust | Karaikal |
Census Details | 413 |
Beneficiary | 274 |
People’s Feedback |
It is customary to have doubts before attending a course and even while sitting in the class; but all my doubts have been cleared and it has produced many changes within me. Thank you. Vazhga Valamudan.
Gunasundari Rasayyan
People’s Feedback |
I have been practicing Manavalakkalai Yoga for the past 5 months. I used to suffer from menstrual cramps which could not be cured through use of medicines. But within 4 months of commencement of Manavalakkalai practices my problems began to subside, until they have now disappeared altogether. I am at peace and aware of the changes the practices have produced within me.
M. Manimekalai
Sponsor Name |