District Coimbatore
Zone Coimbatore
Trust Aliyar Arivuthirukovil
Census Details 424
Beneficiary 127
      Inaugural Function : 14.03.2012
      Concluding Function : 08.07.2013
Panchayat President’s Address
Kottur Panchayat, Malayandipattnam, Coimbatore. .
Adopting our village for the past one year and teaching Manavalakkalai Yoga to its people, has enabled them to live in good health, peace and harmony. People have changed on account of which ill-feelings on the basis of castes, as well as between life-partners and motherin-laws and daughter-in-laws have all but disappeared. Use of alcohol and other psychosomatic substances have come to an end and our village has turned into a haven of peace. We, on behalf of the Panchayat express our sincere gratitude to the functionaries of the World Community Service Center as well as their dedicated team of masters.


People’s Feedback

Initially we felt that Manavalakkalai Yoga practices, introduced in our village, belonged to some particular religion; but after attending the classes and practicing them, we came to realize that they did not propagate any religion or its sentiments. The practices have helped us live better lives and also progress academically.

Yasmin, School Student.

Sponsor Name

Temple of Consciousness, Aliyar.


District Puducherry
Zone Puducherry
Trust Vethapuram
Census Details 300
Beneficiary 297
      Inaugural Function :18.05.2014
      Concluding Function : 03.01.2015
Panchayat President’s Address
Setharapet, Pudukkottai District
We, who were a part of the inaugural functions held six months back, harboured serious doubts regardingthesuccessful implementationoftheProjectinour village.As wejoinedtheclasses andcontinuedtopracticephysicalexercises,KayaKalpa,meditationandintrospection,thegreatnessof Manavalakkalai Yoga became evident to us. The practices helped alleviate problems, particularly those related to diabetes, pain in the limbs, joints, fatigue and specific complaints of women. Introspection practices produced awareness with regard to the Divine State and helped the noble sentiments of love and compassion to blossom. Our village echoes and reechoes with the words Vazhga Valamudan as people continue to bless one another. It is our ardent desire that the same seeds of spirituality be sown in all the villages in our country.

V.Sundaramurthy, President

People’s Feedback

Our village has become free of quarrels and misunderstandings on the basis of caste, religion and political ideologies. Elders are respected and appreciated at all times. We have come to understand the greatness of the theory and practices of Manavalakkalai Yoga. The seed of Manavalakkalai Yoga, planted in our village, has sprouted and grown into a huge tree that casts its shade all over the place.


Sponsor Name

Vedhapuram MVKM Trust


District Puducherry
Zone Puducherry
Trust Laspet
Census Details 350
Beneficiary 335
      Inaugural Function : : 17.05.2014
      Concluding Function : 04.01.2015
People’s Feedback
I live in Periyapet Village. A falling coconut once hit me on my head on account of which I suffer from frequent bouts of fainting. I have been practicing Manavalakkalai Yoga for the past 3 months. Physicalm exercises and meditation have helped me overcome my problems and remain healthy. I express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone associated with the Village Service Project.


People’s Feedback

While lack of peace within the family kept me worried and unhappy, frequent bouts of anger led to quarrels and misunderstandings. It was around then that I joined the second batch of participants undergoing training in Manavalakkalai Yoga and began to practice meditation and introspection. Blessing the others helped ward off unnecessary quarrels. I now remain free of worries and live in peace and happiness.


Sponsor Name

Laswpet MVKM Trust


District Namakkal
Zone Salem
Trust Namakkal
Census Details 395
Beneficiary 163
      Inaugural Function : 23.03.2014
      Concluding Function : 26.01.2015
Panchayat President’s Address
Thondipatty Panchayat, Tiruchengode taluq, Namakkal District
I express my heartfelt gratitude to the President of the World Community Service Center for providing an opportunity to hundreds of people from our village to get trained in Manavalakkalai Yoga. People who have undergone training have shown marked improvement with regard to their personality and behaviour. I request that all people from the village continue to practice physical exercises and meditation. I wish to express my thanks to the World Community Service Center for having transformed our village into a haven of good health and peace.

K.M. Subramaniam, President

People’s Feedback

I used to suffer from pain in my body and limbs, besides fatigue, as the aftereffect of chikunguniya. Manavalakkalai practices have cured me of the problems. I, as well as my family, are at peace and live happily. I found great satisfaction in attending the Arulnidhiyar’s course at Aliyar.

Sindhubala, Devangapuram

Sponsor Name

