District | Nagapattinam |
Zone | Kumbakonam |
Trust | Thiruthuraipoondi |
Census Details | 312 |
Beneficiary | 240 |

Village Service Project of WCSC
District | Tiruvannamalai |
Zone | Tiruvannamalai |
Trust | Kalambur |
Census Details | 807 |
Beneficiary | 275 |
People’s Feedback |
Manavalakkalai practices have made us physically and mentally healthy. I, who was a diabetic for long, have been totally cured of my problems. Masters, who conducted Brahmagnana classes, took the trouble of explaining the concepts very clearly. I wish to fully understand that which I have realised.
G. Geetha
People’s Feedback |
Manavalakkalai Yoga was taught to people from our village under the Village Service Project. The practices have cured me of diabetes and also improved family relationships. Members of our family live in peace and harmony with one another. Thank you. Vazhga Valamudan.
Sponsor Name |
District | Madurai |
Zone | Madurai |
Trust | K.Pudur |
Sub Centre | Thiruvathavur |
Census Details | 670 |
Beneficiary | 367 |
Panchayat President’s Address |
Classes in Manavalakkalai Yoga, conducted in our village during the last 6 months, have changed the people physically and mentally, for the better. I shall definitely do everything possible to enable many more persons study the practices. I express my gratitude to one and all.
M. Sasikala, President, Thiruvathavur.
People’s Feedback |
I am a lawyer residing at Thiruvathavur village and practicing in the courts at Madurai. I have been suffering from sinusitis for a long time, which had also affected the working of my lungs. I had undergone surgery and the doctors had advised me to practice breathing exercises to relieve my problems. I joined the Manavalakkalai Yoga classes, introduced in our village under the Village Service Project, and have been practicing the exercises diligently. Doctors have informed that I have been cured of more than 85% of my ailment and I am able to breathe comfortably. Thank you. Vazhga Valamudan.
M. Ponnaiah
Sponsor Name |
District | Trichy |
Zone | Trichy |
Trust | Trichy |
Census Details | 1050 |
Beneficiary | 501 |
People’s Feedback |
I had separated from my husband shortly after our marriage on account of some problems. Around the time we joined Manavalakkalai Yoga classes, introduced in our village under the Village Service Project. Blessing, in keeping with the advice of the masters, has helped restore family relationship and we, now, live in peace and happiness.
People’s Feedback |
Doctors had advised me to go in for surgery as a cure for the pain, ulcers and swelling in my uterus. But Manavalakkalai Yoga, practiced diligently every day, has cured my problems. I am free of pain and the swelling has also come down. I have not undergone surgery and am able to live a happy and healthy life now.
Sponsor Name |
District | Tirupur |
Zone | Tirupur |
Trust | Tirupur |
Census Details | 540 |
Beneficiary | 276 |
Panchayat President’s Address |
P. Kannan, Secretary
People’s Feedback |
I am a resident of Malayapalayam village. Doctors had informed about a block in my heart and low cholesterol levels. Unhappy and desolate I seriously thought of leaving the village, my family and possessions to go elsewhere. Periodical examinations revealed fluctuations in my cholesterol levels. I began to practice Manavalakkalai Yoga, which to my own surprise helped me overcome my problems. Cholesterol levels have become normal for which I am very happy. Ours being a joint family, I have persuaded the others to study the practices and we do the exercises together every day. Thank you. Vazhga Valamudan.
M. Chinnasamy
Sponsor Name |