District | Kanchipuram |
Zone | Chennai Sub Urban |
Trust | Guduvanchery |
Census Details | 385 |
Beneficiary | 295 |

Village Service Project of WCSC
By volunteer
District | Kanchipuram |
Zone | Chennai Sub Urban |
Trust | Guduvanchery |
Census Details | 385 |
Beneficiary | 295 |
People’s Feedback |
I, for the last 10 years, have been suffering from menstrual cramps, which had to be treated with the help of medicines. It was around then that Manavalakkalai Yoga was introduced in our village, under the Village Service Project. I took part in the classes and have been cured of my problems. I feel happy and rejuvenated. Thank you. Vazhga Valamudan.
V. Padmavathy
People’s Feedback |
I broke my leg in an accident and was unable to walk despite treatment. I have been practicing Manavalakkalai Yoga for the last 6 months and it has helped me walk, once again. I have also commenced going to work for which I express my gratitude to the World community Service Center. Thank you. Vazhga Valamudan.
Sponsor Name |
Empowering the Village Transforming the Nation
Small Help can Make Changes New Hope For Near future