District | Bangalore |
Zone | Bangalore |
Trust | Panjasila Nagar |
Census Details | 823 |
Beneficiary | 162 |

Village Service Project of WCSC
By volunteer
District | Bangalore |
Zone | Bangalore |
Trust | Panjasila Nagar |
Census Details | 823 |
Beneficiary | 162 |
People’s Feedback |
I’m Nagaraj aged 65 years living in Agara Village of Bangalore District. I’m very happy to say that I’m into Vethathiri Maharishi’s SKY Yoga taught in Agara Village through Village Service Project of World Community Service Centre. I was suffering from severe ear pain 15 years. After learning and practicing the Simplified Physical Exercises and Kayakalpa Yoga, I do not know how the pain has vanished. I thank Maharishi for giving such wonderful yogic. practice and I also thank the master who taught me these practices and rejuvenated my life energy and made me to live life much happier than before.
People’s Feedback |
I’m Smt Kusuma aged 32 years a resident of Agara village. After practicing the SKY yoga of Vethathiri Maharishi taught in Agara Village Service Project, my physical and mental health improved. The great and best part of these courses is the Introspection course which has helped me to reduce my anger to a considerable extent. The neutralization of anger exercise has helped me to create harmony in my life. My husband was a severe drunkard, by blessing him after each meditation and whenever I had free time, my husband changed his mind and healso came and joined the SKY Yoga classes which is a great benefit I got through blessings. I thank Vethathiri Maharishi for making my family a happy family.
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Empowering the Village Transforming the Nation
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