District | Virudhunagar |
Zone | Virudhunagar |
Trust | Noorjagipuram |
Census Details | 928 |
Beneficiary | 162 |

Inaugural Function :24.11.2013

Concluding Function : 16.09.2014
Panchayat President’s Address Virudhunagar District. |
People from our village were taught physical exercises, Kaya Kalpa, meditation and introspection practices under the Village Service Project of the World Community Service Center. The practices have helped rejuvenate the body and provide restful sleep. They help ward off quarrels within the families and help people live in peace. We thank the World Community Service Center for having implemented the project in our village.
N. Maheswari, President.
People’s Faeedback |

I have been practicing Manavalakkalai Yoga for about 6 months now. Breathing exercises have helped ward off cold. I love performing breathing exercises and meditation. I also teach them to the others.
Smt. M. Mariammal, Noorjagipuram
Sponsor Name |