District | Tirupur |
Zone | Tirupur |
Trust | Udumalai |
Census Details | 517 |
Beneficiary | 385 |

Village Service Project of WCSC
By volunteer
District | Tirupur |
Zone | Tirupur |
Trust | Udumalai |
Census Details | 517 |
Beneficiary | 385 |
People’s Feedback |
I joined Manavalakkalai Yoga classes in order to overcome the pain of my brother’s death. Iam a diabetic and also suffer from back pain for the last 14 years. The practices have reduced my blood-sugar levels and excessive weight. I am now able to sit cross-legged for more than 2 hours on the floor. I have also gained the confidence essential to face problems in life. The qualities of the Divine State have also become evident to me. Vazhga Vaiyakam. Vazhga Valamudan.
K. Duraisamy
People’s Feedback |
started to drink, in the company of my friends, even from the age of 23. I also started smoking beedis despite the advice of my mother who was greatly perturbed over my behaviour. I refused to heed her words and continued my ways. The evil habit persisted until I was 53 years old, costing me much in terms of money and health. Initially, I failed to consider the advice of Selvaraj who requested me to enrol in Yoga classes; when I joined the course it became a choice between Yoga or my drinking habit. I decided to give up drinking and continued with the practice. I realised the act of blessing brings peace to my mind. We are now involved with constructing a Temple of Consciousness in our village. I am happy about the changes produced by Yoga.
Sponsor Name |
Empowering the Village Transforming the Nation
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