District | Dharmapuri |
Zone | Salem |
Trust | Dharmapuri |
Census Details | 720 |
Beneficiary | 720 |

Village Service Project of WCSC
District | Dharmapuri |
Zone | Salem |
Trust | Dharmapuri |
Census Details | 720 |
Beneficiary | 720 |
Panchayat President’s Address Maniyathalli Panchayat, Nallampalli Panchayat Union, Dharmapuri District. |
Vasantha Ponnusamy, President.
People’s Feedback |
I am Maheswari, wife of Nithyanandam; my family consisting of my affectionate husband and two children, were living in happiness until my husband found employment as a helper at a liquor shop near Hosur. Constant fights split our family until it came to a stage where I lived away from my husband and even began to contemplate suicide. But Manavalakkalai Yoga has produced changes with my husband giving up liquor. I have studied up to Brahmagnana level. Counselling from senior masters at Aliyar has brought meand my husband together to live in peace.I manage a two-wheeler shop and my husband, who continues to work at the shop, has stopped taking alcohol. I, as a token of my appreciation, have begun to serve the organisation whole heartedly.
Maheswari, Aijjipatti.
Sponsor Name |
Empowering the Village Transforming the Nation
Small Help can Make Changes New Hope For Near future