Yoga is a systemic psychic practice to improve awareness to develop will power. Yoga therapy can be defined as a scientific and systemic pattern of applying the techniques of yoga system for the rectification of disorders and maintaining potentialities among human beings.

World Community Service Center initiated Village Service Project to teach Manavalakalai SKY Yoga across many villages. Village Service Project had successfully reached more villages in and around TamilNadu to enrich the villagers with Health, Peace and Prosperity. In all these villages various medical camps were conducted.
The objective of conducting the health camp was to create awareness of general health among the people, provide general health care services and counseling them on basic healthcare and hygiene.The people were from different age groups & had problems like diabetes, low BP, hypertension, hypotension, obesity .The elder people were suffering from knee, back and neck pain, and other types of musculoskeletal problems. Most of the female population was overweight and obese.

In these medical camps a medical professional, a lab technician from R &D department, SKY research Centre WCSC Aliyar came to these villages. Doctors diagnose and advice the villagers about their physical condition and ailments. Lab technician collect the blood sample from the villagers under free of cost. Pre and Post tests were conducted to the villagers.
In the pretest physiological parameters height, weight, BP, and biochemical parameters sugar (Fasting and Post prandial), thyroid (if needed), cholesterol, tests were taken. The chosen items are highly standardized appropriate and ideal to assess the selected parameters and were measured by the following methods,Physiological variables, Height stadiometer – Instrument used for measuring standing height in centimeter (CM),
- For measuring weight weighing machine
- Based metabolic index BMI calculation used was,
BMI=”Weight ” (“Kg” )/(“(Height in meters” )^2 )
Blood pressure was measured with an instrument sphygmomanometer. Stationer Biochemical variables likesugar, Total Cholesterol, was assessed by lab investigation blood sample method,
- Fasting sugar was measured with glucometer
- Post prandial sugar was measured with glucometer
- Post prandial sugar was measured with glucometer
- Total Cholesterol was measured with (HOD-POD Method – Cholesterol Oxidase).
- For Hemoglobin sahlis method was used.
- For thyroid problem CLIA method was used.

After the period of nine months post test report was taken with the same procedure.The result of the study reveals that here was a significant improvement on the research parameters in most of the villagers due to the effect of regular SKY YOGA practices. Hence many of the villagers were benefited from the health camp. The statistical analysis of the pre test and post test were compared for studying the effects of the VSP projects.
Final diagrammatic representation of pre and post test values.

The above table -1 showing that total number of VSP villages were SKY practices conducted was 112 in number. The total number of population was 25543. Type 2 diabetic people was 5663 in number. Anaemic patient was 1054 in number. Hypertension and Hypotension patient was 6426 in number. Hyperlipidemia patient was 1633 in number.

The above table showing that , the total number of VSP villages were SKY practices conducted and pre test , post test values recorded was 55 in number.
Among the 55 villages 585 patients were monitored as diabetic in the fasting pre test blood glucose level , after the experimental period of nine months sky practices the post test values shows that 363 patients get normal blood glucose level.

Among the 55 villages 643 patients were monitored as high body mass index in the pre test, after the experimental period of nine months sky practices the ost test values shows that 380 patients get normal body mass index.
Among the 55 villages 151 patients were monitored as hyperlipidemia in the pre test, after the experimental period of nine months sky practices the post test values shows that 85 patients get normal blood cholesterol level.
The findings of the study showed that there were significant differences in physiological and biochemical parameters in type -2 diabetic, hypertension , hyperlipidemia, body mass index , blood hemoglobin level.