Who Can Adopt?
If, you are willing to contribute something back to the society or communities, you can consider adopting a village for transformation under WCSC-VSP. We are promoting a new innovative scheme of ‘adopt a village scheme’ to facilitate positive impacts among rural & tribal communities. By this scheme, we are advocating the villagers lead change in the villages, where we can try to address the issues of Education for all, healthcare, sanitation, sustainable livelihoods, community infrastructure development, alcohol de-addiction etc.
We can bring a change amongst the life style by promoting values based on traditional indian systems, ushering in Community health, individual peace, societal peace, and ultimately prosperity of the Nation.
The key interventions we are planning for
1. Improve lifestyle of rural people
2. Improve physical, mental, spiritual, and social health of the village people
3. Mind Management and Stress Management – Eradication of Worries through yogic practice
4. Increase awareness of rural-development issues, encouraging efforts to create a meaningful voice for rural communities
5. Create awareness amongst the youth & rural society towards the implications caused by poor quality of life
6. Holistic development to cover cross-functional areas of Health Development, Literacy Enhancement, Special Education, Yoga, Indian Medicine, Geriatric Health and Women Empowerment, Environment Protection and the like.
Other key activities of ‘adopt a village scheme’
- Promoting green cover of the village by planting more saplings
- Promotion of Livelihood opportunities for women & youth
If, you planning to adopt a village you can choose the villages from the profile or you can suggest a village of your choice. Your contributions will directly go in to the village and please Contact us for terms of references.
You can also choose to contribute whatever amount you can in support of a village.
The total cost of adopting a village is Rs. 3,00,000/-(6 Months Project) & Rs. 5,00,000/- (9 Months Project) which will cover the Training cost, training materials etc.